Prof. Dr. Peter Faber graduated from University of Passau in 1998 with his Diploma thesis in the context of loop parallelization. After working on the HPF compiler ADAPTOR with GMD/SCAI (now part of Fraunhofer), he worked as a researcher at University of Passau until 2004 (in particular in the LooPo project), and as an IT consultant and a software engineer with science+computing ag (now part of Atos) from 2005 until 2009. In 2008, he finished his doctoral degree with the topic "Code Optimization in the Polyhedron Model -- Improving the Efficiency of Parallel Loop Nests" at University of Passau. Since 2009 he has been a professor at Hochschule Deggendorf (now THD/DIT). He has been working in graphics processing, GPGPU computing and HPC since then.