BQCX session March

16:00 - 18:00, March 8, 2023
IN PERSON at Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching b. München
& ONLINE, (send an email to for link)

We're pleased to welcome PD Dr. Jeanette Lorenz, Fraunhofer IKS, with two members of her research group, Marita Oliv and Benedikt Poggel. Moreover, the students of the "Applications of Quantum Computing" course held this winter semester by Jeanette will attend the meeting at LRZ. The focus of the meeting is on applications of Quantum Computing and we are sure that both the content of the presentations and the interaction with the attendees will be extremely interesting for you.

This Month Talks

The impact of noise on the performance of the variational quantum eigensolver
The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) [1] is considered as one of the most promising algorithms for near-term applications on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. It is a hybrid algorithm which uses the variational Rayleigh-Ritz principle to find the ground state energy of a quantum mechanical system and is expected to be useful for a broad range of problems in various fields, ranging from condensed matter physics over quantum chemistry to optimization [2,3,4]. Although VQE has shown some resilience to noise from quantum hardware [2], noise is one of the main obstacles on the way to its application in practical use cases. Our work focuses on a systematic investigation of the effect of quantum noise on the performance of VQE on the example of the H2 molecule.
Finding reliable quantum-assisted solution paths for optimization problems
Enhancing classical solutions for optimization problems with quantum-assisted methods proves to be difficult. It is unclear which algorithms are suited for which problems and how to implement them in a real-world setting. Mathematical formulation, encoding, decomposition and the selection of a hybrid algorithm and its hyperparameters require a vast amount of expert knowledge from many disciplines including physics, computer science, mathematics and engineering. Good, reliable solution paths need to be found and automated to lower the obstacles for end users to apply hybrid quantum-classical methods.
The application landscape within the Munich Quantum Valley, and what we can learn from it
The Munich Quantum Valley develops different quantum computing demonstrators including the software stack up to the application. Indeed, looking early at potential applications of quantum computers can help us to understand for which kind of use cases quantum computing is promising in perspective. Furthermore, this perspective allows us to formulate requirements towards the quantum computing hardware to be built as well as towards the software stack, including the integration of HPC systems and quantum computers.

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Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities

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85748 Garching near Munich

Phone: +49(0)89 - 35831 8000